The Five Offerings Part 5

The fifth offering is the guilt offering (Chapter 5) This refers to sins committed not only against God, but also against other human beings. Certain sins are only against God, If, for example, we have dirty thoughts, we don't harm anybody else. Such sins are only against God. (of course whats within the heart will eventually come out and affect others unless it is taken care of with God.) If we have wrong motives, we sin only against God, but many sins involve other people too. Here in verse , it speaks of someone who refuses to testify about something he has seen or known, perhaps because it will implicate his friend, and as a result an innocent person is punished, then the first man is guilty of a sin against God and against man. Other similar sins are mentioned in the following verses.
In verse 16, restitution is mentioned: "And he shall make good the damage itself which he hath done, and shall add the fifth (part 20%) besides, delivering it to the priest, who shall pray for him, offering the ram, and it shall be forgiven him."-if the sin is against the Lord. That principle applies even to making restitution to man (as mentioned in Numbers 5:6-7). If you have cheated or robbed someone, then when making restitution, you must give him back 20% more than what you took from him. This will teach you not to do it again to anyone!
The Lord says one more thing, which I want you to notice here, about the guilt offering (7:30), "He shall hold in his hands the fat of the victim, and the breast: and when he hath offered and consecrated both to the Lord, he shall deliver them to the priest" You must bring your offering personally, whoever you are, -big or small. You couldn't send it through a servant. However a great man you may be, you have to come yourself, humble yourself, admit your mistake and acknowledge that you have sinned. All are equal with God.